Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kitchens and Cavemen

In the past 24 hours, Cavemen have reduced me to a giggling lump of goo... and kitchens have brought me to tears.

Ok, to explain the first part of that statement, I will have to introduce you to a game that a friend recently taught me. And while we will both admit that it is ridiculous, I dare you to actually say these things out loud and not fall into hysterics. "Caveman sad (insert a string of choice, creative profanities here)... Unga Bunga". No, it makes no sense whatsoever, but that's not the point. You can NOT do this without losing yourself in laughter. I dare you.

The kitchen thing, well, that's all about Lori McKenna. She has a song that is called "Stealing Kisses" that is... raw, powerful, phenomenal and really hits home for a middle aged mom . So, I'm sitting in line at Starbucks, getting ready to head to my daughter's soccer game... (yes, I can say "cliche", can you?) and this song comes on. Of course I've heard it before, it is my iPod after all, but for some reason this time is different. I'm actually really paying attention and it just pulls my soul out through my eyes. And remember... I'm in the freaking drive-thru at Starbucks. Great timing.

So, I'm talking to the Caveman friend, and I'm telling him about this song and how he must download some of her music because it's so incredible. He listens, because he kinda has to. Friends trust friends about that kind of stuff. And he comes back and says... "I'm sorry". What the hell??? That's an awkward response, right? He says, "I'm sorry that you feel that way... I'm sorry you're frustrated with your life right now, but remember, it's not over. It can still change any minute." Wow... Really? It took me a while to realize how to take that, but he also backed it up with how smart, funny, and generally wonderful I am. And, no, he's not trying to sleep with me!

Therefore, there will be change. Because friends trust friends about that kind of stuff. I'm working on small changes because I'm a big coward and big changes are scary, and small change number one is this blog. A little brain workout just for me! So, if you feel like you've wasted your time.... Blame the Caveman.

Unga Bunga

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