Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Want to be a TV

"What is up with you unappreciated pretty girls?"

Pretty? Really? OK, get past that... I hate that I still like hearing that, but seriously, what's a girl to do? We're programmed to get a little goofy at those words. I don't get it, it's not like we had much to do with it. Pretty much, we should just thank our parents for good genes... but that's another subject all together.

"Unappreciated pretty girls"---Think about that quote for a minute... think about all the implications of that... What should be appreciated? The pretty part? It's the only adjective in the statement so that's really the only logical conclusion.

"Pretty" is not appreciated, because what is there to appreciate in pretty? Wallpaper is pretty, flowers are pretty, even puppies are pretty. Pretty is not startling or amusing, or even really noticeable. Pretty is our way of describing something pleasantly bland... "Beauty" is different, because beauty is shocking in it's own way, but even the effect of beauty wears off eventually. Think of the paintings or photographs in your house... They're there because you once though of them as pretty, or even beautiful. How often do you look at them? How often do you "appreciate" them? They're invisible after a little while, because your eye just skims right over them. They belong there, they blend in.

Now, lets consider your TV and your computer. Are they beautiful? No. Are they pretty? No. You know what they are? They are entertaining and useful and current and constantly changing. Unless you choose to, you never have to look at the same thing twice. So, they are what? NOT boring.

To hell with pretty... Pretty isn't allowed to change. Pretty is stuck in a box or a frame and never allowed to grow. I want to be the human equivalent of a TV!! Constantly changing, entertaining, and different from day to day. Do you know why? Because that is appreciated and SEEN.

Wow, that sounds pretty, "Look at me, I'm awesome!", but that's not the intent. I really mean, "Hey, don't ignore me!!" Maybe I'm awesome, maybe I'm not, but what I am is HERE and I just want to be noticed.

Whining done.

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